Topic Modeling on Amazon Phone and Accessories Reviews using NLP


Online shopping now makes our life much easier than it used to be. Without the need of going out and visting a shopping mall or a grocery store, we can buy anything we want through e-shopping.

But online shopping comes with its own caveats. One of the biggest challenges, and I guess almost every would face, is verifying the authenticity of a product. Is it as good as advertised on the e-commerce site? Will the product has a good quality? Are the reviews given by other customers really true or are they false advertising, or are they fake or bots' reviews? These are important questions customers need to ask before splurging their money.

Importance of online reviews

I believe there are a bunch of people like me, who believe in customers' reviews much much more than the fancy product description of an item. In making our decision in buying a product, if most customers' reviews talking about how good it is, then it is probably a really good product. If every customer talks bad about a product, I am afraid I will not buy it no matter how good it shows me in the product description. And in some funny cases, which is quite often from my perspective, some users like to leave a high rating or score no matter how bad they think the product is. Oh god, this is tricky!

rating screenshot

Identifying the problem

Here, an interesting problem comes up. What if the number of reviews is in the hundreds or thousands? It’s just not feasible to go through all those reviews, right? And this is where natural language processing (NLP) comes up trumps. But how?

Online reviews can be really overwhelming in terms of numbers and information, an intelligent system, capable of finding key insights (topics) from these reviews, will be of great help for the consumers to get an real impression on products.

To solve this task, we will use the concept of Topic Modeling (LDA) on Amazon Phone and Accessories Review data. The dataset can be downloaded here. The details of the dataset will be given in the following section during exploratory analysis.

Topic modeling

Topic Modeling is a process to automatically identify topics present in a text object and to derive hidden patterns exhibited by a text corpus. Topic Models are very useful for multiple purposes, including:

  • Document clustering
  • Organizing large blocks of textual data
  • Text feature selection
  • information retrieval from unstructured text

In the case of online product reviews, we intend to extract a certain number of groups of important words from the reviews. These groups of words are basically the topics which would help in ascertaining what the consumers are actually talking about in the reviews.

Analyzing the review dataset

First, let's import the necessary libraries.

In [1]:
# import libraries
import nltk
from nltk import FreqDist

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import re
import spacy

import gensim
from gensim import corpora
import warnings
#libraries for visualization
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pyLDAvis
import pyLDAvis.gensim
%matplotlib inline
C:\Users\hche958\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\gensim\ UserWarning: detected Windows; aliasing chunkize to chunkize_serial
  warnings.warn("detected Windows; aliasing chunkize to chunkize_serial")

Loading data

The online review data is stored in a json file. Let's read in the file, and take a look at what's in the dataset.

In [2]:
# load the dataset
df = pd.read_json('data\\Cell_Phones_and_Accessories_5.json', lines = True)
(194439, 9)
asin helpful overall reviewText reviewTime reviewerID reviewerName summary unixReviewTime
0 120401325X [0, 0] 4 They look good and stick good! I just don't li... 05 21, 2014 A30TL5EWN6DFXT christina Looks Good 1400630400
1 120401325X [0, 0] 5 These stickers work like the review says they ... 01 14, 2014 ASY55RVNIL0UD emily l. Really great product. 1389657600
2 120401325X [0, 0] 5 These are awesome and make my phone look so st... 06 26, 2014 A2TMXE2AFO7ONB Erica LOVE LOVE LOVE 1403740800
3 120401325X [4, 4] 4 Item arrived in great time and was in perfect ... 10 21, 2013 AWJ0WZQYMYFQ4 JM Cute! 1382313600
4 120401325X [2, 3] 5 awesome! stays on, and looks great. can be use... 02 3, 2013 ATX7CZYFXI1KW patrice m rogoza leopard home button sticker for iphone 4s 1359849600

In the Phone and Accessories review dataset, we have nearly 200,000 total reviews and 9 columns. The columns contain the following information:

  • asin - product ID
  • helpful - helpfulness rating of the review, e.g. [19, 19] means 19 out of 19 people think this review is helpful
  • overall - rating of the product (1 - 5 stars)
  • reviewText - the text content of the review
  • reviewTime - tiem of the review (raw)
  • reviewerID - reviewer ID
  • reviewerName - reviewer name
  • summary - summary of the review
  • unixReviewTime - time of the review (unix time)

For the scope of our analysis and making it simple, we will be using only the reviewText column.

Data cleansing

Data cleansing is a important step before NLP analysis. The original text in the reviews data is very complicated. It contains many punctuations, stopwords and useful information etc.

In this cleaning and preprocessing step, we should remove the punctuations, stopwords and normalize the reviews as much as possible. After every preprocessing step, it is a good practice to check the most frequent words in the data. Therefore, let’s define a function that would plot a bar graph of n most frequent words in the data.

In [3]:
# function to plot most frequent words
def freq_words(x, words = 30):
    all_words = ' '.join([text for text in x])
    all_words = all_words.split()
    #frequency distribution
    fdist = FreqDist(all_words)
    words_df = pd.DataFrame({'word': list(fdist.keys()), 
                            'count': list(fdist.values())})
    # select the top 30 (default) most frequent words
    d = words_df.nlargest(columns = 'count', n = words)
    plt.figure(figsize = (20, 5))
    ax = sns.barplot(data = d, x = "word", y = "count")
    ax.set(ylabel = 'Count')

Let's find out the most frequent words in the reviewText column without any preprocessing.

In [4]:

As can be easily find, the most common words without any preprocessing are 'the', 'and', 'to', 'a' etc. These words contain little information and are not so important for us to find the key topics. We have to remove these types of words. Before that we also need to remove the punctuations and numbers from the data.

In [5]:
# remove unwanted characters, numbers and symbols
df['reviewText'] = df['reviewText'].str.replace("[^a-zA-Z#]", " ")
In [6]:
# import stopwords library
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
stop_words = stopwords.words('english')

# function toremove stopwords and very short words (< 2 letters)
# from the review text
def remove_stopwords(rev):
    rev_new = " ".join([i for i in rev if i not in stop_words])
    return rev_new

# remove short words
df['reviewText'] = df['reviewText'].apply(lambda x: 
                     ' '.join([w for w in x.split() if len(w)>2]))

# remove stopwords
reviews = [remove_stopwords(r.split()) for r in df['reviewText']]

# lowercase the reviews
reviews = [r.lower() for r in reviews]

After removing the numbers, special characters and the stopwords, let's now look again at the 30 most frequent words.

In [7]:

We observe some improvement in the result. We can find some more useful words in the chart, like "battery', 'price', 'good', 'product', 'oil' and so on. However, some neutral terms such 'the', 'this', 'they' etc. still stay at the top positions.

To further remove noise from the text we can use lemmatization from the spaCy library. It reduces any given word to its base form thereby reducing multiple forms of a word to a single word.

In [8]:
nlp = spacy.load('en', disable = ['parser', 'ner'])
# function to filter noun and adjective
def lemmatization(texts, tags = ['NOUN', 'ADJ']):
    output = []
    for sent in texts:
        doc = nlp(" ".join(sent))
        output.append([token.lemma_ for token in doc if
                      token.pos_ in tags])
    return output

Tokenize and lemmatize the reviews

In [9]:
# tokenization
tokenized_reviews = pd.Series(reviews).apply(lambda x: x.split())

# an example after tokenization
['these', 'awesome', 'make', 'phone', 'look', 'stylish', 'used', 'one', 'far', 'almost', 'year', 'can', 'you', 'believe', 'that', 'one', 'year', 'great', 'quality']
In [10]:
# lemmatization
reviews_2 = lemmatization(tokenized_reviews)
#the above result followed by lemmatization
['awesome', 'phone', 'stylish', 'year', 'year', 'great', 'quality']

As we can see, we have not only lemmatized the words in the reivews but also filtered out nouns and adjectives. Let’s de-tokenize the lemmatized reviews and plot the most common words.

In [11]:
reviews_3 = []
for i in range(len(reviews_2)):
    reviews_3.append(' '.join(reviews_2[i]))
df['reviews'] = reviews_3

From the above chart of the top 30 words, we can see they all contain relevant information we are interested in. Now, let's move on and start building our topic model. Let's then visualize the frequent words using WordCloud.

A wordcloud is a visualization wherein the most frequent words appear in large size and the less frequent words appear in smaller sizes.

In [12]:
all_words = ' '.join([text for text in df['reviews']])

from wordcloud import WordCloud
wordcloud = WordCloud(width = 800, height = 500, random_state = 21, 
                     max_font_size = 110).generate(all_words)
plt.figure(figsize = (10,7))
plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation = 'bilinear')

Create the model

Building the term dictionary of our corpus

Then we will convert the list of reviews (reviews_2) into a Document Term Matrix using the dictionary prepared above.

In [13]:
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(reviews_2)
doc_term_matrix = [dictionary.doc2bow(rev) for rev in reviews_2]

Creating a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model

We specify the model to find the num_topics = 5 topics.

In [14]:
# Creating the LDA model using gensim
LDA = gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel

lda_model = LDA(corpus = doc_term_matrix, id2word = dictionary, 
                num_topics = 5, random_state = 100, 
               chunksize = 1000, passes = 50)

Let's print out our 5 topics that the LDA model has learned.

In [15]:
  '0.056*"phone" + 0.014*"good" + 0.011*"app" + 0.010*"day" + 0.010*"time" + 0.009*"screen" + 0.008*"camera" + 0.008*"battery" + 0.007*"new" + 0.007*"great"'),
  '0.095*"case" + 0.046*"phone" + 0.027*"screen" + 0.019*"good" + 0.018*"protector" + 0.016*"great" + 0.012*"protection" + 0.011*"color" + 0.010*"nice" + 0.010*"iphone"'),
  '0.022*"phone" + 0.013*"use" + 0.010*"place" + 0.009*"car" + 0.009*"mount" + 0.009*"pad" + 0.009*"note" + 0.008*"tip" + 0.008*"small" + 0.008*"holder"'),
  '0.037*"charger" + 0.036*"battery" + 0.036*"charge" + 0.030*"device" + 0.027*"cable" + 0.025*"usb" + 0.022*"power" + 0.021*"port" + 0.013*"phone" + 0.012*"time"'),
  '0.039*"speaker" + 0.026*"bluetooth" + 0.024*"sound" + 0.023*"good" + 0.016*"quality" + 0.015*"headphone" + 0.015*"music" + 0.014*"button" + 0.013*"volume" + 0.012*"ear"')]

From the first topic, topic index number 0, we can see terms like "phone", "good", "app", "screen", "camera" and so on, indciating that the topic is very much related to hardware quality of cellphones. From the second topic, which is Topic 1, it might be raleted to accessories description of cellphones.

Topics visulaization

To visualize our topics in a 2-dimensional space we will use the pyLDAvis library. This visualization is interactive in nature and displays topics along with the most relevant words.

In [16]:
# Visualize the topics
vis = pyLDAvis.gensim.prepare(lda_model, doc_term_matrix, dictionary)


From the above visualization, we can clearly see the most relevant of words in each topic learned by our model. By assigning a lager number to the _numtopics in our model training, we can find much more specific topics on the online reviews.

Topic modeling help us finding the most important topics in a large text review dataset. We can easily get an overview of all the reviews and find useful information for us to make purchasing desicions.


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